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We Are Egg Donors was founded by three women in the United States and Canada.
We Are Egg Donors was co-founded by three women who envisioned a resource for egg donors to receive support, form community, and collectively advocate for issues that matter most to egg donors. Since then, We Are Egg Donors has formed international partnerships with researchers, academics, nonprofits, filmmakers, attorneys, and top tier media outlets to contribute to the growing transparency and understanding of egg donor concerns and diverse experiences. Today, We Are Egg Donors is an active global community of more than 1,500 egg donors in 12+ countries.
WAED provides an honest platform for egg donors around the world to connect. Our members prove that there is no "one size fits all" story for all of us.
Today, our advocacy work & community-driven approach to women's health have been featured in various media across the world.

Our Promise
Why we turn away $1M+ in opportunities
Since day one, we have upheld a donation policy in which we do not accept donations, sponsorship, or endorsements from any business that profits from donor eggs. This includes fertility clinics, agencies, and egg banks.
We once did the math: If we were an agency that charged $7,500 per cycle (standard fare) we would only need to facilitate 133 cycles to hit one million dollars.
133 cycles.
Just a fraction of our community!
We love our group and care deeply for our members. We recognize the importance of having a dedicated and non-directive resource for egg donors that is 100% for egg donors, regardless of their decision to donate.
Our commitment to our donation policy not only helps prevent conflicts of interest, but it also allows us to continue growing resources for egg donors with integrity, honesty, and transparency.
And it’s the main reason why we are a volunteer-run organization.

Meet Our Team
Here are the volunteers on our team, working behind the scenes to support egg donors and advocate for initiatives that prioritize donor health.
Raquel | Founding Member
Writer. Creative. Recipe tester.
I’m a founding member of We Are Egg Donors. I work in tech and am represented by the NYC literary agency Writers House. Through my volunteer work with WAED, I’ve led our partnerships with Our Bodies Ourselves, Fordham University, San Francisco State University as well as our forthcoming collaboration with the Center for Genetics and Society. I care a lot about community building and growing a global platform where egg donors can advocate for research and better standards of care. Also, I’m a recipe tester on a mission to test 1,000 new recipes.
Sierra | Founding Member
Attorney. Designer. Planner addict.
I’m an attorney and founding member of We Are Egg Donors. I currently serve in a consulting role to assist WAED on big picture issues, but have chosen to step down from day-to-day efforts out of my growing concern regarding the way egg donation is practiced without regulation or oversight. I’m based in Nebraska and am a self-proclaimed planner addict.
Claire | Founding Member
Canadian playwright. Actor. Advocate.
Hi! I’m a Toronto based actor, director, producer and theatre creator. Since 2013, I have been an outspoken egg donor advocate, speaking up for initiatives that prioritize donor health and consulting on policy developments in Canada. My one woman show, Eggdonorama explores the fraught tensions of donating eggs in Canada and my first play, Hatched, was inspired by my experience as an egg donor and my own inability to conceive an offspring. I’m committed to reducing how discrimination based on race, gender expression, sexuality, ability and mental health manifests in theatrical ecology and practice. Follow me on insty here!
Liz | Media Liaison
I’m thrilled to work with media outlets all over the world to help examine the issues, challenges, and ups and downs of egg donation. I’m also working on research and advocacy to push for research on the long-term effects of donation, and its impact on both overall health and on fertility. I donated 3x between 2005-2007, and wish so much that WAED had existed then; this is an amazing community. Fun fact: I’m a living organ donor as well as an egg donor; one of my kidneys is living it up in its new home in Baltimore!
leah | Media Advocate
It’s been over 10 years now since I last donated my eggs - which is crazy to me, because it definitely doesn’t feel like that long. I’m one of the “rare” donors you might have been told about who developed complications after donating. Those complications were severe enough that I was declared infertile myself within a year of my last donation. Today I’m an adoptive mama to a beautiful little girl, and I’m extremely passionate about spreading awareness about the risks of egg donation and working to ensure future donors are given the opportunity for TRULY informed consent.
Rachel | Mod since 2017
I’m an environmental scientist, wife, fur-mom to two dogs, and current egg donor based in southern Colorado. I became interested in egg donation to help pay for graduate school but did not end up donating until I was out of school and working full time. I joined WAED before my first donation and felt the group was a place that enabled me to advocate for myself. I am extremely grateful for WAED and felt compelled to help the group grow and further develop as an excellent resource for future, current, and prior egg donors.
Cassandra | Mod since 2017
I’m an ICU nurse and recently “retired” egg donor. I first became interested in egg donation out of curiosity while learning about it in my Pathophysiology course in college. I’ve since completed 5 cycles, 4 of them known same-sex international couples from Canada, the UK, and China. I get pictures of my donor kids every now and then and it is surreal for me! While my experience with donation has been more-or-less pain and drama free compared to others (so far), I’ve learned a lot about the medical misinformation given to donors to invalidate their concerns or out of lack of regard of an egg donor as a true medical patient. I’d like to see better advocacy and treatment for donors as they navigate the process of finding appropriate care during and after the donation process. One of the things I love about WAED is that I believe it gives us an avenue to openly share information with one another and make us better advocates for ourselves! Fun fact: I’ve recently taken up travel nursing and am awake at ungodly hours, and am an obsessive dog mom to my 2 furbabies.
Hannah | Mod since 2018
My name is Hannah, and I am so excited to be joining the moderator team of this awesome group of advocates! I’ve gone from a first time donor that asked NO questions to an experienced egg donor that’s learned to be my own best advocate. As a result, I know how important it is to have a space where newbie questions can be asked, experienced women can share their stories, and all of the emotions of this process can be vented for a little catharsis! I can’t wait to aid in the continuation of what this group has been to so many donors!
kaylene | Mod since 2018
I hope to bring all that the support that the amazing members and moderators of WAED have provided me. The world of egg donation was brand new to me in 2017 and through the kindness and support of others going out of their way, I felt relief. It was a pretty scary place to begin with due to lack of resources or so I thought, and has now transformed into something I love doing and sharing. Fun fact: I cannot whistle. I have tried for years....
niamh | Mod since 2018
I’m 22 and a first time egg-donor from the UK based in Nottingham (Robin Hood’s county!) and am a student studying veterinary medicine. I hope to bring a fresh set of eyes to the mod team and also a different perspective on egg donation, as it is quite different here in the United Kingdom, but I am also learning LOTS about donation in the USA and Canada from this group. I hope to be a person that first time donors or women thinking of donating can turn to for advice or help, but of course I am here for anyone and everyone. You can be sure I’m working hard behind the scenes to keep WAED a complete safe space for egg donors and a supportive community.
Created and run by egg donors, our forum is a secret Facebook group. And… it’s free!
Secret is FB's most private option: not searchable or viewable to anyone but approved group members.
Founded and run by egg donors, this is the only place where you can have honest conversation with hundreds of egg donors in 12+ countries.
"I'm grateful to be a part of this community where I can speak to real women who underwent egg retrieval."
"So glad this group exists. You ladies get it."
"I'm grateful for this space and the people on it. I felt so alone before. Thank you."